
Hello Hello! My name is Nathan, but you can call me Nate or by my last name Couto! I’m a seventeen teenager who loves his city New Bedford, ever since I was little kid I’ve always been fascinated by the wonders of New Bedford, from the rich history; to modern-day activities like all of the festivals held here at New Bedford. Now let’s do some simple math here for a second, add the amazing city of New Bedford and then add a kid who dreams of traveling the world to take photos, you get a teenagers who takes amazing pictures of his city of New Bedford.IMG_2900

For some odd reason photos mean a lot to me, to me they’re more than just “pictures”, to me just one “picture” can tell a rich story behind it, and that’s what’s so intriguing about just a “picture”. My love from photography comes from my older cousin who lives in Portugal, whenever I got the chance to see her; she would always show me all this cool photos she has taken and then she would explain to me what each photo means and what’s so special about them, and the little Nathan would be so happy to hear these stories. I looked up to her and I wanted to become like her- no scratch that; I wanted to surpass her.NCSurrealismPoster

“No scratch that; I wanted to surpass her”, I’m a competitive person; I used to play Football for a year in high school and played seven years of Soccer. Now this may sound a bit strange; but I play competitive Video Games, I’m a huge gamer. I travel the United States to play a video game called Call of Duty. When I picked up Call of Duty at the age 9 I was really bad at it, but the more I played the game the better I got, when I figured out there was Tournaments for this game I decided to enter in a few, I got Destroyed badly… but it was fun, it was something to help me with my Competitive Drive. Well now that you know a lot about me, I hope you care to stay and enjoy.Coutogravatrar